Pero AG | Advanced parts cleaning systems
PERO AG develops and produces innovative systems for the cleaning of workpieces made from metal, plastic, glass, ceramic and combined materials.
Manufacturers all over the world use our units to clean their parts prior to shipping or installation to the technical cleanliness standards they require.
Made in Germany

Cleaning plants
Standardised and customised cleaning technology for the efficient and cost-effective wet cleaning of workpieces.
Whether automotive, aerospace, jewelry, watch-making, lighting, electrical or optical industry, machining or non-machining production - Pero has the right cleaning plant!

A reliable hotline service, maintenance agreements, preventive maintenance services and process optimisation guarantee optimum availability and process quality for perfectly cleaned parts.

Cleaning methods
Processing steps optimised for preliminary, intermediate and final cleaning as well as preservation of workpieces, customised to suit the actual production environment.

Cleaning processes by Pero:
PERO specialises in units for the degreasing, cleaning and preservation of parts along the entire production line.
Dirt in the form of particles or films is removed in efficient processes in order to achieve a specified technical cleanliness.
Trade fairs and events all over the world